Lots of products are available on the market for homeowners who want their indoor air cleaned and purified; however, not all products target every type of pollutant. Biological contaminants are of particular concern because they can irritate respiratory systems and aggravate allergies or asthma. For homeowners looking to target a specific class of micro-biological contaminants, such as yeast, mold and viruses, or pet dander and dust mites, Ultraviolet (UV) lights are an ideal choice.

How it works.

You can purchase a portable UV-light system to purify the air in one of the rooms of your home. Whole-house systems, however, do a much better job of purifying the air. Incorporated into your home’s ductwork system, the powerful UV rays eliminate biological contaminants.

As the air passes through the furnaces’ air handler, a regular air filter acts as the first line of defense and traps some particles. Mold and bacteria breeze right by this filter, however. On the way out of the air handler, the UV light penetrate the air. The advantage to a duct-connected system is that the air in your entire home passes through the air handler and reaches the UV lights. Each time the air cycles through the system, it’s zapped with UV light, purifying the air with each pass.

UV light is highly touted because of its ability to attack a microorganism at its core, essentially killing it, because the cell’s DNA cannot reproduce when it’s exposed to UV lights. For instance, if a mold cell entered through the system, it wouldn’t be able to reproduce more mold cells. UV light stops mold growth in its tracks.

Why you need UV lights.

There are several benefits to using UV lights:

Use UV lights to clean up your indoor air. Glasco Heating & Air Conditioning’s indoor air quality experts are available to answer your UV light questions. Contact us anytime.
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