When used correctly, programmable thermostats offer a more energy-efficient way to control the heating and cooling in your home. Greater energy efficiency means monetary savings and a reduction in your carbon footprint. Here are some tips for installing and setting your programmable thermostat for the greatest benefits possible:

Installation Tips

Placement: The best place to get accurate temperature readings is on an interior wall where drafts are minimal. Keep programmable thermostats away from entryways, vents, windows and skylights.

Follow Manufacturer Directions: Thermostats are generally easy to install, but for best results, follow the instructions on the packaging. If the installation involves more than 10 wires, it may be best to contact a professional for help.

Eco-Friendly Disposal: Your old thermostat could contain mercury, which is hazardous to the environment. Instead of throwing it out with the garbage, contact a hazardous materials center for disposal advice.

Programming Tips

Day Settings: Some programmable thermostats are 5-2 day models, meaning Monday through Friday must be programmed the same and the weekend can be programmed differently. 5-1-1 models allow for different programming on Saturday and Sunday, and 7-day models are the most flexible. Choose the model that best fits your schedule and lifestyle.

Program Periods Per Day: The best programmable thermostats allow you to set four temperature blocks every 24 hours. Use this to your advantage by programming setbacks when you’re away or sleeping on a predictable schedule. This winter, for example, set the thermostat to between 62 and 65 degrees while sleeping or away and 70 degrees while the home is occupied. Such setbacks are what make programmable thermostats proven money-savers.

Hold/Vacation Settings: You can always override your preprogrammed settings by using these features. Use the hold setting for temporary temperature changes and the vacation setting when you’re away on a trip. That way, you can set the temperature to between 55 and 60 degrees for days or weeks at a time.

For more information about having a programmable thermostat installed in your home, contact Glasco Heating & Air Conditioning for your Connecticut home.

Our goal is to help educate our customers about energy and home comfort issues (specific to HVAC systems).  For more information about programmable thermostats and other HVAC topics, visit our website.

Glasco Heating & Air Conditioning services South Windsor, Connecticut and the surrounding areas.

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